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Equity, diversity and inclusion

When we feel free to be ourselves, we thrive.


Building diverse talent

We ensure, through our recruitment
efforts, that our teams reflect the diverse communities we serve, 让领导者对我们的承诺负责,并与非营利组织和大学合作,为未来建立多元化的人才管道.

Thinking without limits

改善社会成果是我们可持续遗产战略的一部分. Through supplier diversity, 以及与小型和少数族裔企业的合作, 在我们提供的每一个创新解决方案中,我们都优先考虑社会公平和影响.

Enriching communities


我们团结起来,通过当地的援助和救济活动来帮助那些有需要的人, and our global employee giving and match campaigns.

Expanding understanding

我们通过教育鼓励尊重、包容和持续学习&无意识偏见和包容性招聘培训,以及家庭友好型福利政策. Our Employee Resource Groups build community, shape policies, 并为我们的人民提供一个加深理解和同情的论坛.

Employee Resource Groups


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BeBold: Americas
Black Community
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Beyond Abilities:
Americas, Europe & India

Community for Disabled,
Neurodiverse and Caregivers
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Connect: Americas, Asia
Australia & New Zealand

Early Career Professionals
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Ethnic Diversity Network:
Europe & India
Community for Ethnic Minorities
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Gender Alliance:
Europe & India
Community for Gender Empowerment
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JUNTOS: Americas
Hispanic/Latinx Community
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MOSAIC: Americas
Asian Pacific Islander Community

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Pride: Americas, Europe, Australia & New Zealand

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Veterans Alliance:

Veterans Community

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Women’s Leadership Alliance: Americas
Community for Gender Equality

Arelisse, JUNTOS Member

Civil Engineering
New York

我是家里第一代厄瓜多尔土木工程师. 我的工程之旅深受父母的影响, who instilled in me a strong work ethic, morals, determination, 并且相信良好的教育对于打开机会是必不可少的. As a Hispanic individual, 我从强调韧性的文化遗产中汲取力量, community, 以及对环境和彼此的深刻尊重. These values have shaped my perspective as a daughter, student, and engineer, 并继续引导我追求让这个全球领先的博彩导航网站变得更美好.

Ken, BeBold Member

VP Economic Inclusion & Social Impact
Los Angeles

AECOM致力于“为所有人提供基础设施”,并授权我们的BeBold(黑人员工资源小组)加强与全国黑人工程师协会#nsbe的战略伙伴关系. 这些努力表明了我们在招聘多元化人才方面的意图.

El, Pride Member

MSc, GIT, Geologist III
Raleigh, NC

我喜欢在AECOM工作的一点是项目的多样性. Longleaf pine wildfires, to hydrant flow testing, 从沙井的360度内部摄影到土壤调查和我沙发上的GIS制图. I’ve been with AECOM just 3.5年了,我已经享受到了如此丰富的经验. I am a geologist and GIS specialist, 所以我感兴趣的领域和专业知识为我提供了很大的灵活性,我可以支持的项目类型. 我真的很感激能在一家不受地区或业务限制的公司工作.


100 Equality logo

我们被人权运动基金会授予平等100人奖 Corporate Equality Index.

Australian LGBT Inclusion Awards Logo

In Australia and New Zealand, 我们获得了澳大利亚工作场所平等指数(AWEI)的铜级地位。, a national benchmark on LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion.

Dreams Come True logo

In Asia, 我们获得香港圆梦基金会颁发的“共融企业金奖”, 表扬公司聘用有特殊教育需要的年青人,并为他们提供有意义的职业前景.

The Times. TOP 50 Employers for gender equality.

在欧洲和印度,我们被《全球领先的博彩导航网站》评为年度性别平等50强.  《全球领先的博彩导航网站》性别平等雇主50强榜单是英国最受关注和最完善的雇主榜单,该榜单列出了在创造包容性工作场所方面采取行动的雇主.

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